Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Does the Low Fat Diet or Pritikin Diet to Lose Weight?

The Low Fat Diet or Pritikin Diet can be a double edged sword. While it does have several positive health benefits, I feel the negatives far outweigh the positives. Many have the common misconception that fat makes you fat. For most, carbs make you fat. Not all fats are created equal. Some have great health benefits and some clog your arteries. After doing a few hours of research, this is what I found out about the low fat diet.

Let's start with the positives, glucose tolerance is not inhibited by otherwise ingested fatty acids; glycogen stores remain pretty full; kcal reduction is large. What does glycogen do you ask?  It is main form of carbohydrate storage and it occurs primarily in the liver and muscle tissue. It is readily converted to glucose as needed by the body to satisfy its energy needs so you will have energy throughout the day with this diet.

Now onto the negatives, Low fat diets can depress Testosterone levels; all fats should not be collectively avoided ala omega-3 fatty acids which contribute to heart and vascular heath; avoiding fat is psychologically rough; limited dietary variety.

Animal proteins and eggs are avoided which makes it difficult to get your daily protein needs. There is also a potential fat + carb insulinogenic and lipogenic synergy due to the lack of protein which means basically, the fat + carb meal raises your insulin levels high and without the protein to aid it causes lipogenious response (lipogenic meaning The production of fat, either fatty degeneration or fatty infiltration; also applied to the normal deposition of fat or to the conversion of carbohydrate or protein to fat) This can actually make you gain weight.

Common Mistakes People Make On The Journey To Wellness

Mistake number one is misunderstanding the process of change and transformation.  Despite a person's desire, enthusiasm and commitment, the journey is NEVER a straight shoot in the new direction.  Two steps back will often follow taking one step forward toward change. During this backslide is often when people give up on themselves and their process.  It is during this backslide where our Ego will seduce us into thinking it is impossible or too difficult to move forward. We judge our process and all our dreams and desires are subsequently abandoned.

This is a classic example of disconnection.  The heart wants something the mind thinks is out of reach. In this case, if we never learn the language of feelings, which teaches us to validate, and to feel and release, instead of thinking our feelings, the mind will always win out.

Judgment always leads to stagnation and stagnation often leads to dis-ease (in the body or the mind).  If instead, if we choose to look at the back slides as a lesson to be learned from, then we gain from it and it becomes part of the journey.

The next common mistake I see is the very common idea that it takes willpower and deprivation in order to achieve desired results.  The truth is willpower is a very limiting power.  Approaching the process from willpower and deprivation does not leave any energetic space for exploration. As a result of no exploration there is no information and therefore nothing is gained but frustration and defeat.

The energy of willpower is based in fear.  This type of power is exhaustive and non-informative which, eventually wears us out!

Instead of deprivation and willpower, focus on "adding in the good stuff".  This will ignite the creative process, which is filled with ever-lasting positive energy!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Stretching, Before or After Exercise

The number of of you really stretch out before beginning a workout? A lot of you will be soaked already in a hard core routines and flout streching since you may well probably believe it definitely silly when look like dorks although think twice. It really works also it's helpful both before and after a exercises.

Whenever you do streching, it takes all bunch of tissues like fascicles with all other slighter components within your muscles to work together with each other to contract or constrict and vise versa
We should appreciate somehow that when those contracts a muscle, a muscle also will contract a different amount of fibers. Various muscle strands either contract or they don't, so when you pile on your workout, more muscle breakdown and fibers intertwine.

Become aware of then a pain or fatigue to your muscles just after workout. Muscle tissue will need to repair themselves then mainly when several fibers are entangled. This case would delay the restoration process so when you do stretching, disorganized tissues pull and try to align both for better blood flow and suppleness of tendons.

Yes, i'ts true that stretching realigns muscle fibers and for this reason, healing process is quicker after all those fiber intertwined that marred a scar. It then requires more time to heal. Based on studies, if you do stretching excercises the danger of injury and discomfort is reducedas well as discomfort felt the next day by cause by lactic acid build-up in muscles during a hard workout. Lots of experts say that stretching might also stop muscle cramps.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Your Poor Diet is Hurting Your Grades

This is because even though your brain makes up only two percent of your body weight, it absorbs a whopping 20 percent of your caloric intake. Your brain's voracious appetite means that your unhealthy eating habits don't just undermine immune system support. Poor nutrition could lead to ailing grades.

You don't eat breakfast. Mom's known it for years and researchers are finally getting a clue - breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. The New York Times says researchers examined 47 studies and found eating breakfast contributes to better mental functioning in students. The researchers aren't sure why breakfast improves grades, but speculate breakfast causes changes in the concentration of neurotransmitters, chemicals that act as messengers in the brain. Experts recommend a breakfast containing protein, natural sugars, fiber and a little fat to maintain blood glucose levels and sustain energy.

You eat lots of salt and saturated fat. Fast food fits a college student's budget, and of course, it's fast. But researchers at the University of Alberta examined the diets of 5,000 school children and found those who ate diets high in salt and saturated fat performed poorly on tests compared to those whose diets consisted of fruits, vegetables, protein and fiber. Live Science reports that rats given excessive amounts of saturated fat suffered damage to the hippocampus, an area of the brain important for the formation of memories.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hyperbaric Portables Now Available for Every Budget from Summit to Sea

While there has been great strides made in the field of hyperbaric therapy in recent times, the cost of undergoing the treatment can exclude those who may benefit from it. It is for this reason that many are now searching for affordable hyperbaric portables which they can operate and use at home. Now, one company is providing their clientele around the globe within the opportunity to purchase their own personal hyperbaric chamber by offering their exceptional catalogue at the lowest prices available industry-wide.

Summit to Sea is a company that was formed in order to ensure that the purchase of a hyperbaric chamber is more affordable for everyday Americans and those around the world on a budget. The company was founded by couple, Judy and Bruce Mckeeman who had taken a great interest in the field of hyperbaric therapy after Bruce underwent a health-scare which convinced them to re-evaluate their health and lifestyle choices. Now, they operate one of the most successful hyperbaric chamber companies in the country, providing the industry's top equipment to those around the world searching for affordable therapy products. Within the company's catalogue, they offer three distinct options from which they customers may select – the Grand Dive, the Dive and the Shallow Dive.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mild Hyperbarics from Summit to Sea Helping Millions Recover from Athletic Injuries

Mild hyperbarics oxygen therapy is used to saturate the blood plasma with oxygen to relieve the symptoms of Accute Altitude Sickness. This saturation increases the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to the affected area and speeds up the healing process immeasurably, allowing climbers to get back to the sports they love.

For those searching for affordable mild hyperbarics to aid in their recovery process from injuries and illnesses, the process can often be quite complicated and leave them frustrated due to a lack of options on the market. One company however has taken the field by storm by providing those searching for mild hyperbarics with a catalogue of options designed to meet their every therapeutic need.

Summit to Sea is an internationally renowned specialist when it comes to hyperbaric therapy. The company is owned and operated by Bruce and Judy McKeeman, who were inspired to create Summit to Sea after researching the hyperbaric therapy field and finding that there was a limited scope of options from which clientele could select. With that in mind they have put together a first class suite of hyperbaric solutions that offer something for every type of customer.