Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Symptoms Liver Cirrhosis and Natural Home Remedies

The liver is the largest gland in the dead ~ only. It is located on the suitable side of abdomen under the appear gloomy ribs and just below the membrane that separates the chest from the abdomen. The liver performs manifold important functions in the body.

When the liver is of good health it works very well. However, the liver can be affected by a number of sedate disorders, including infection by viruses, parasites, and disorders of the dissemination of the formation of stones in the ill-nature ducts, injuries due to poisonous substances, and numerous types of tumors .


Your liver is considered the "corresponding indenture-post" of the body. It is the largest glandular instrument in the human body. The liver has greater quantity features than any other gland in the material part . Human blood through the liver separate times a day for filtering and detoxification. This is highly vascular (filled with blood supply to altogether the time) and therefore is considered for the re~on that one of the most vital organs.

The liver checks to hazardous drugs, alcohol, pathogens, microorganisms and toxins in the environment. When the liver is not functioning well, are to a greater degree likely to have toxic side furniture of medications, allergies and medications that have power to lead to various disorders like ill diarrhea, malaise, headache, indigestion, etc.


Disorders usually exhibition no symptoms of liver pain at earlier stages. Body effectively manage the loss of liver function, to some extent. Liver cirrhosis or liver cancer is on that account known as "murderers silent." Some of the commonly observed symptoms of liver failure are:

The liver is the corpse's master, and most people mind that the liver is most influential in the normal functioning of the carcass including the brain and heart. If there is any damage to the liver, at that time there can be serious complications.

1. Jaundice, skin and whites of the eyes alteration yellow

2. Stomach problems like constipation and diarrhea

3. Abdominal pain, bloating, distension

4. Itchy skin

5. Nausea and vomiting

6. Weight Loss

Home Remedies

Wash 3-4 foliage of sacred fig (religious focus) and break down them with candy sugar and blended in 250 mg of water, drink twice a day after the screening of the gallimaufry. One of the best home remedies instead of liver cirrhosis. Reduce fat intake to 20-30 grams through day, such as liver damage, gall secretion and digestion is affected that prevents the intermixture of fat.

Take a teaspoon of flatter in a cup of water three epochs a day in the morning, afternoon and dusk. Drink fruit juice of 2 oranges discharge stomach for 5-7 days take 50 grams of wan radish leaves and stem, add sugar candy in it and enjoy it every morning on an empty stomach. One of the forcible home remedies for liver cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis of the liver refers to every part of forms of liver disease. It is a great liver disease. In this disease the liver contracts in bigness and becomes hard and leathery. This abridgment in size is due to confined apartment loss that exceeds the replacement cells.

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