Saturday, May 14, 2011

Does cialis constitute you ejaculate quicker?

Fort Valley

Nope. Cialis (and Levitra and Viagra) don't own anything that causes premature ejaculation. They alone access blood flow to the penis.

West Bend

Hi Lachose1,No it does not. Every male is born with premature ejaculation, so having it is perfectly accustomed to start with. Controlling ejaculation is something you own to apprentice aloof as you had to apprentice to ascendancy your bladder as a minor. We amuse taught to ascendancy our bladders however no one teaches us how to ascendancy ejaculation.Accomplish not waste time or almighty dollar on sprays, vitamins, herbs, dietary supplements or drugs. This is a learning problem and these things will not aid you apprentice to ascendancy ejaculation any added than they can aid you to apprentice to speak another speech.There are a abundance of high-priced programs advertised online however all you charge is an inexpensive babyish textbook written by a doctor and sex therapist that has been used successfully encircling the world for added than 32 years.It is called "Lifelong Longer: The Treatment Program for Premature Ejaculation" by Dr. Sy Silverberg M.D. For added data aloof google the authors agname: Dr. Sy Silverberg M.D.

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