Primarily women suffer from many different eating disorders. These can include anorexia, compulsive eating, binge eating, fad dieting, bulimia and more. All of these eating disorders are proliferated by wide variety of myths associated with them. Often, people think that eating disorders are associated only with those who look emaciated, that it is a mental illness or is defined as a choice. However, these are solely myths, because there is more to eating disorders than meets the eye. Most eating disorders are psychological issues, and the societal pressure to be extremely thin has defined beauty for many women. Eating disorders are often determined by social norms, personality traits, personal concerns and genetics. People needing eating disorder treatments often suffer intensely, and often use the manipulation and control of food and their weight as a tool for coping with life's stressors.
Eating disorders are one of the most treatment resistant and is the deadliest condition known in the field of psychiatry. However, there are many eating disorder treatments available that offer a comprehensive nutritional, medical and psychiatric assessment in order to meet every need that you may have. Regardless of your eating disorder, the level of care you receive is second to none, and is provided to you in a plethora of experiential and traditional treatments. These therapies can include art, acupuncture, movement, psychodrama and meditation. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program, in which both traditional Western psychotherapy and Eastern philosophies are combined together to facilitate the most effective and fast resolution to your eating disorders. As with any eating disorder treatment, nutrition therapy is paramount.
A licensed and registered dietitian who has extensive experience in Eating Disorder Treatment heads the nutrition therapy component of any eating disorder treatment. It is a non-diet approach, and you will learn how to redevelop a healthy relationship with food. Not only will you receive nutritional therapy, but also a personalized nutritional plan that will assist you in developing healthy eating behaviors in a highly supportive environment. In addition to nutritional therapies, it is also paramount for you to have a clear and active mind that will help you achieve the sense of wellness that you need and deserve. Once you have received clearance from medical staff, you will begin working with an on-site trainer, who will assist you in not only developing healthy relationship with exercise and food, but will assist you in reconnecting with your body. All of this takes place in the most confidential, safe, calm and supportive environment possible.
If you or someone you know is in need of an eating disorder treatment, getting the help that you need is often painful and asking for help is extremely difficult. However, the best eating disorder treatments available understand this, and know that you may be feeling afraid and extremely vulnerable. It is important for you to understand, however, that this is your time to be heard, understood and take your life back from the roller coaster that you have been riding called an eating disorder.
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