Heart is an important organ of body and negative emotions like fear, anger, sadness, depression and anxiety could invite many heart diseases. By applying a "Heart Centered "approach one can be successful in all fields of life whether it is personal or professional and thereby preventing heart disease hence living a heart healthy life.To live in modern world an "Open Heart" has become a basic requirement of life. Although, Love which is termed as a magic ingredient exists in all of its forms like kindness, compassion, friendship but sometimes we look for love in things that really can't give us what we want and thus we open a door for heart diseases which in turn hampers our heart healthy living. The first step for learning to live with a more open heart is to recognize that we have a problem. One should learn to give and receive love more fully. For preventing heart disease healing our emotional and psychological state is really important. Anxiety, loneliness, social isolation and anger invite heart illness. Many research studies have shown that when emotions are high the levels of adrenaline circulating in the body will also sky rocket. They can lead to high blood pressure, cholesterol deposits to form in the arteries of the body and in a rare case they can even cause a heart attack or what is called "sudden death".
The key to live a heart healthy life and preventing heart disease is an open heart that is willing to give and receive love. It is a heart that is willing to be intimate and open. Counseling, psychotherapy, yoga, deep relaxation and meditation have all been shown to be helpful for learning the skill of open heart. Unfortunately, life's difficulties and challenges sometimes lead people to shut down emotionally. When people's hearts close down it can create a vicious cycle that leads to heart disease. Practice of remembrance of God can help to live a heart healthy life and preventing heart disease. The technique of Remembrance is repeating the name of God over and over. The repetitive nature of the practicing remembrance of God can help discovering more peace and inner contentment. Regardless of the word one uses, the important thing is to remember the love - to remember God. Most people who do this technique feel an opening of the heart when they practice it regularly. Some patients have been completely healed with this technique and are living a heart healthy life. If one seeks a solution, he/she should keep knocking; knocking and struggling unless can find a way out. If one opens the door of his/her own heart- his/her dark night can be overcome. His/hers stress can be managed, reduced, or even eliminated.
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